body scanning
FBFX is a pioneer of body scanning in Europe, with photogrammetry at the core of our business since 2013. We initially developed the technology to create mannequins for costume making, in a radical departure from traditional life-casting methods. Scanning has subsequently become an essential tool for creatives and our client list features video games developers, fashion photographers, sculptors and filmmakers.
With a purpose-built, flexible studio, ever-evolving rig and team of digital artists transforming scans into highly detailed, animation-ready assets, FBFX remains at the leading edge of scanning technology.
capture studio
FBFX’s body and head rig is equipped with 238 high-resolution DSLR cameras, customisable for complex dynamic poses, objects and highly detailed costumes. It features bounced, cross-polorised lighting for optimal texture resolution.
From high-quality raw scan to animation-ready asset, our team of artists deliver incredible detail and realism.
Using our workshop’s CNC milling robot, we can realise 3D scans at any size for mannequins, large scale art installations, models and masters for bronzes.